The electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in technical components usually have only low symmetry, which sometimes makes them difficult to control. Besides, the complexity of many applications poses a problem for the analytical calculation of these fields, which in turn is associated with a high time and financial effort.
To minimize this effort, computer-aided numerical computation methods are the obvious choice. The modeling and subsequent simulation of the electric fields allow statements to be made about the behavior of an insulating material arrangement.
Your advantage here is that you do not have to invest any increased training effort in any software. We can refer to well-founded experience in the field of simulation of electromagnetic fields and use this knowledge for the optimization and analysis of your arrangement.
Even before or during the creation of prototypes, the knowledge gained can be implemented in prototyping.
We offer electric field simulations for
- 2D or 3D geometries
- different materials
- different insulating material arrangements
- linear and non-linear conductivity
If you need further information about our services and testing possibilities please contact us, you will find all details under contact. |
You can also find more information about electric field simulation under Publications. |